Boundless Sword Techqiue

With his hands on his hips, Yan Lixuan stared at Zhang Ruochen and laughed. "The moment I saw you, I had a feeling that you were the one who could untie the knot in my heart."


Zhang Ruochen said, "How can I help you?"

"If I am defeated by you, maybe the knot in my heart can be untied." said Yan Lixuan.

In fact,he wanted to be defeated!

Zhang Ruochen had no idea what the knot in Yan Lixuan's heart was and he didn't ask. He believed that if Yan Lixuan wanted to tell him, Yan Lixuan would do so. But if Yan Lixuan didn't want to say, he wouldn't say, even if Zhang Ruochen asked.

"Since it is so, then I must defeat you and help you untie the knot in your heart." said Zhang Ruochen.

"But it's not easy to defeat me. Perhaps you will be the one who loses, and I will be disappointed."

Yan Lixuan walked away to the side, picked up a one foot long green leaf and pinched it between two fingers.
