The Space Power

Zhang Ruochen took back the remedy pills and sat cross-legged opposite Commandery Princess Yanchen. He stared at her. She was arrogant but straight-forward and frank.

After meditating for a moment, Zhang Ruochen said to her, "I have had some adventures, found treasures and gained exercise books. But I don't have any other identities, nor did I deliberately approach you. I am the Ninth Prince of Yunwu Commandery. Even if you investigate me you will find nothing except that I am the Ninth Prince."

To Zhang Ruochen, his identity as Emperor Ming's son in his previous lifetime had faded.

Seeing Zhang Ruochen's so unperturbed, Huang Yanchen started to calm down. She rolled her eyes at him and asked, "How many secrets did you end up hiding from me?"

Zhang Ruochen smiled and said, "Everybody in the world, including you, has unspoken secrets. Why do you ask me to tell you my secrets when you hide your own?"