Duanmu's Tricks

For the next two days, there were no more dangerous situations. Zhang Ruochen and Huang Yanchen reached Yunwu City safely.

Before entering the city, Zhang Ruochen separated from Huang Yanchen rather than going with her.

Many people knew that Huang Yanchen had been rescued by a young man in a mask. If they entered the city together, his identity would be exposed.

After entering the city, Zhang Ruochen didn't go back to the palace right away. Instead, he hung out in the city to check out the situation.

If he came back to Yunwu City with Huang Yanchen on the same day, he would be suspected. Such being the case, he had to stay another two days in Yunwu City with the identity of Chen Ruo.

In two days, he could resume his identity as Zhang Ruochen.

Wearing a metal mask, Zhang Ruochen ordered a superior room in the hotel near the Martial Market.