Come out with honors

24 days had been passed outside while in the internal space of the Time and Space Spinel more than two months had passed.

The practicing of Body of the False God had been unprecedentedly smooth. It was perfect and beyond Zhang Ruochen's expectation.

In his last lifetime, Zhang Ruochen never practiced the Body of False God. After all, in the last lifetime, he had had no need to plunder the Sacrifice Power because his identity had been as a noble. It had been easy to obtain any resource he wanted.

Zhang Ruochen was ecstatic about his success.

In order to practice the Body of the False God, his Martial Soul had blended 63 drops of Half-Saint's Blood and three blades of God Habitat Grass. His present Martial Soul surpassed that of Completion of Heaven Realm warriors.

When he released his Martial Soul, everything inside the royal palace emerged in his mind. It was so real.