Here Comes A Strong Enemy

Zhang Ruochen did not stop for a moment after he left the Hugestone City. He was ready to get back to the Devil Martial City as fast as possible.

"The Royal Family of Square Commandery and the headquarter of Poisonous Spider Club would know I've taken the account book away and send many masters to kill me. I should get back to the Devil Martial City before they catch up with me."

He hurried on with his journey as if he was a ghost-like shadow skimming over the vast snowfield, leaving only a harsh sound of the wind blowing through.

Han Qiu had also practiced a mysterious skill that made her body as light as swallows, easily moving across the snowfield without leaving a single trace. She followed Zhang Ruochen closely behind and said, "My friend, if I'm not mistaken, you should be the young master who recently rose to fame, Chen Ruo, aren't you?"