
"Hey, kid! You're going to get yourself killed."

Ling Xiansu stood up on the back of the Three-footed Firecrow. The light displayed from the purple crystal wrapped him up completely and transformed into a round shape light screen.

The Three-footed Firecrow's body displayed a dazzling light as if every feather was made of fine gold. Along with a long groan, it spat out a mouthful of fire like a magma wave, surging toward Zhang Ruochen.

"Such a horrifying fire...I can't believe it's the Fire of Divine Gold. Maybe Ling Xiansu's steed is a fourth-level medium-level savage bird?"

Zhang Ruochen's countenance changed. He made use of the force in the void space and leaned backward immediately. Very quickly he retreated a hundred meters away and escaped from the pouring fire.

The fire had burnt the void space until it distorted, it made a puffing sound.