Master Lei

Having arrived at the topmost floor of the Silver Gowned Elder Hall, Zhang Ruochen finally met one of the most powerful people in Omen Ridge and the 36 commanderies— the Hall Master of the Silver Gowned Elder Hall.

"Greetings to Master Lei!" Zhang Ruochen and Si Xingkong bowed and saluted together.

Although Lei Jing would be 94 this year, he did not appear old. He appeared to be in his fifties with wide shoulders and bronzed skin. He seemed to be full of energy.

Once someone precticed his Martial Arts to the Heaven Realm, their physical quality would become strong like that of Advanced Stage savage beasts. They could control various processes in their body and reduce the aging of their bodies.

Also, Lei Jing's power was not simply because he was a warrior in the Heaven Realm.