The Power Test

Lei Jing glanced at Zhang Ruochen and Luo Shuihan, and then sat on the side. He closed his eyes for a rest.

The silver gowned Elder returned to his original position and tried to compose himself. "Time for the power test. Who's first?"


With tremendous confidence, Xue Qingshan went to the testing stone wall. He mobilized his Genuine Qi and hit the stone wall with one palm.


Seven silver Lines emerged from the stone wall.

Xue Qingshan frowned slightly and shouted out. "Heaven's Might Palm."


With the second hit, one golden Line and four silver Lines emerged from the stone wall.

The silver gowned Elder announced the results. "Xue Qingshan, your first hit unleashes the power of 0.7 brute elephant. Your second hit unleashes the power of 1.4 brute elephants. You have passed this round and can prepare for the next."

The power that the weakest Heaven Realm could unleash was equal to the power of a brute elephant.