Storage Bracelet

Huang Yanchen glared at Chen Xier, with an aggressive chill gleaming in her royal blue eyes. "Chen Xier, are you doing this on purpose? You're the the School of the Martial Market of the School of the Martial Market's daughter. Nobody in Omen Ridge would dare hurt you. What's the point of buying the Array of Water Fire Wind and Thunder?"

Chen Xier was delighted to see that Huang Yanchen was angry. She put on a look of pity and said delicately, "Cousin, why are you so angry? I feel like I lack a sense of security, so I want a Formation Flag. I don't have a fiance to protect me like you do."

Yan Yunhuan was sitting to the side. Hearing her words, he quickly thumped his chest and said, "My dear sister, don't worry. I would like to be your escort and protect you for your whole life."

Huang Yanchen gave Yan Yunhuan a pitiful look. "How great you are to be a sucker! Your family will fall into decline soon if someone like you becomes the successor!"