Endless Battles

"Phantom Lightning Whip."

Jin Yeyun executed a Spiritual Stage whip martial technique. Genuine Qi flowed from her hands and wrapped around the metal long whip.

The metal long whip turned into threads of lightning that twisted together and flashed towards Zhang Ruochen's waist in the dark.

"Windcatching Thirteen Swords."

At the same time, Guo Shisan swung out 13 times in succession. Each sword stroke was like a wave that crashed one after another towards Zhang Ruochen.

The whip technique and sword Qi intertwined to form a gigantic wave of attack.

Zhang Ruochen retreated continuously, but she still managed to catch his thigh with her whip, leaving a wound.

Crackling sounds came from the wound as the blood and flesh were fried by lightning.

Fortunately, the wound was not deep and did not affect his bodily movement.

Zhang Ruochen resisted the pain in his leg and roared, "Break!"