Blue Genuine Qi, Innate Magic Qi

The area surrounding the Dragon Tomb was permeated with weird power. It blocked out the powerful water pressure from the river water. Even though Yan Siming had died and lost the protection of his Celestial Bodyshield, his body was not smashed by the water pressure.

The Black Market warriors were frightened. Yan Siming had been famous for five years and was one of the leaders among the younger generation in the black market. And yet, he'd been killed by a young woman with just one sword stab.

When had the Internal Academy of the School of the Martial Market cultivated so many young masters?

One Zhang Ruochen was already very frightening. And now, there was one more.

If one were to compare Huang Yanchen to Yan Siming before she'd had the Dragon's Blood, they were about the same.

As for now, Huang Yanchen's cultivation was one realm higher than Yan Siming's. And she had more talent than him as well, it certainly was not hard to kill Yan Siming.