Thunder On a Sunny Day

Chapter 366

The Yellow Realm, the Black Realm, the Earth Realm, and the Heaven Realm were called the four realms of Martial Arts.

In Martial Arts, no matter how high a warrior's cultivation was, they could only be called as a warrior.

For example, a warrior in the Heaven Realm could only be called the Peak of Martial Arts or a martial arts legend.

Only when a warrior broke through the Martial Arts, could he enter the Holy Road.

If a warrior did not enter the Holy Road, they were still a mortal.

If they wanted to enter the Holy Road, they must experience the Nine Changes in the Fish-dragon Realm first. Every change was a Yin-Yang:

First Change: Congenital Embryonic Breath.

Second Change: Skin Refining to Gold.

Third Change: Bone Refining to Jade.

Fourth Change: Yinyu Holy Meridian.

Fifth Change: Yangyu Holy Meridian.

Sixth Change: Yinwei Holy Meridian.

Seventh Change: Yangwei Holy Meridian.