East Region Saint City, Visiting an Old Friend

"Zhang Ruochen, why did you stop me?"

Duanmu Xingling threw off Zhang Ruochen's hand after they boarded the White Dragon Holy Ship. She widened her apricot-like eyes and gave him a cold glare. She was obviously very angry.

Zhang Ruochen replied, "Xue Yingrou and I just exchanged views about sword technique. We are not as close as you think. We both are students of School of the Martial Market. Why do we have to cause a scene?"

"Maybe you just wanted to help her with sword technique, because both of you are studying in the same school. But she had a different idea. Don't you see that?"

"It doesn't matter what others think. We just have to do the right thing" Zhang Ruochen said.

Duanmu Xingling rolled her eyes. She said, "Is it? She kissed you and I saw it with my own eyes."

Upon hearing this, Si Xingkong, Chang Qiqi and the rabbit Guoguo who were eating the Spiritual Dose all turned around, and stared at Zhang Ruochen with surprise.