Senior Sister Apprentice Yanchen

500 kilometers away.

Master Shenhai, the Palace Master of Evil Wood Palace, stood on the edge of a cliff. He looked afar and saw a purple light column shooting up to the sky towards the southeast.

Master Shenhai squinted his eyes. He spoke to himself, "How could this happen?"

Nie Wenlong sat on a stone table not far from him, and he also looked at the direction of the light column. He grinned and said, "Master Shenhai, it seems that Master Qingmu has encountered some troubles. Should I go help?"

Master Shenhai looked cold and serious. He said, "It's only a small matter, Your Excellency. You don't need to worry about it. I will send someone to help right now."

A moment later, another Master King of Evil Wood Palace received an order from Master Shenhai. He immediately rushed to the direction of the light column.