The Eve of Battle

Chang Qiqi sighed and said, "Based on my current realm, it would take years for me to break into the Dawn State of the Heaven Realm."

Si Xingkong patted Chang Qiqi's shoulders with a smile and said, "I think that you'll be able to break into the Dawn State of the Heaven Realm within just one month."

"Eldest Brother, can you stop making fun of me? It would be very difficult for me to reach that even if I had two more years." Chang Qiqi said in frustration.

Huang Yanchen seemed to be neither sad nor happy. She was still as cold as ice, saying, "Black Glazed Spinel is indeed a great treasure. If I can refine half a kilo of spinels, I may be able to practice to the legendary Treasured Body of Water Spirit. If such treasures appear in the Kunlun's Field, even the Saint Gentries will spend tremendous efforts to seize it."

If a treasured body emerged, it was a joyful event even for a Saint Gentry.