The Medium State of the Heaven Realm

Lei Jing did not hold out much hope for the Eighth Change in the Fish-dragon Realm.

Even those Half-Saint families who could reach the Seventh Change in the Fish-dragon Realm could be regarded as rare. To reach the Eighth Change in the Fish-dragon Realm was even more difficult.

It was the first time that he tried to practice the Eighth Change in the Fish-dragon Realm. According to his estimation, there was only a maximum of a 20% chance that he could succeed.

However, when he saw the black spinel that Zhang Ruochen had taken out, his eyes were wide open and his lips quivered as he said, "How strong the Spiritual Qi of water nature is. Is this a Spirit Treasure of Origin of water nature?"

"Yes. This is a Spirit Treasure of Origin of water nature, the Black Glazed Spinel. Please accept it, my dear Master, because this is a little token of my regards as a disciple," said Zhang Ruochen.