The Universal Sword Technique

"It is indeed the Sacred Wood Sphere. Kind of interesting." Zhang Ruochen smiled.

Of course, Zhang Ruochen could have also released the Space Domain to meet Lu Fantian's Sacred Wood Sphere head on, but he did not.

He wanted to refine his fighting skills in this battle. He hoped that he could defeat a stronger, superior force like Kong Lanyou, with a weak, backward force.

That was to win with skill.

"Zhang Ruochen, a really powerful movement still lies ahead."

Lu Fantian roared loudly, "Sacred Tree Martial Soul!"

He released his Martial Soul and it appeared above him.

Lu Fantian's Martial Soul was not a human shape but a giant Sacred Tree. It was very much like the Sacred Prime Tree painted on the Yin Yang Wooden Graph.

Although it was just an illusory image, it still gave people a feeling of grandeur and magnificence. It was like a sky-high Divine Tree rooted in the center of the Heavenly Ring.