The Four Wei Brothers

Ao Xinyan's look turned cold, and she placed her white hand on the hilt of her sword. With a swish, a sword radiance suddenly flashed across the hall.

In the next moment, the big, curly-bearded man's arm separated from his body. It arced through the air with a splatter with blood.

"Ahh... My arm... "

The man clutched his bleeding shoulder and stepped back three steps. His face was painfully distorted, and a scream came out of his mouth.

However, as a master of the Heaven Realm, he quickly suppressed the pain and immediately summoned Genuine Qi to block the blood vessel of the severed arm to prevent further blood loss.

"Bitch, you dare to hurt the youngest brother. I'll make you beg for death when I get ahold of you."


In the back of the room, three tall warriors of the Heaven Realm suddenly stood up. One lifted the table and smashed it with a punch.