Fierce Battle

Some strange sounds were uttered from Zuo Qiuling's mouth.

After which, the sound of breathing immediately rang out from under the ground and in the jungle.

Suddenly, the ground cracked open, from which several savage beasts with strange bodies climbed out. The howls of the savage beasts resounded throughout the jungle.

Most of those savage beasts were only at the Inferior Stage, however, their numbers were very large. They rushed toward Zhang Ruochen like a tide of beasts.

"You're actually a Beast Trainer. I underestimated you!"

Zhang Ruochen propped up the Celestial Bodyshield and it formed a round, green ball.

Since he had the protection of the Celestial Bodyshield, Zhang Ruochen would no longer care about those savage beasts of the Inferior Stage. He mobilized his Genuine Qi, stretched out a finger, and pointed at Zuo Qiuling across the void space.
