Stone Gate

There were countless treemen gathering below the altar. Their roots were planted into the earth and spread everywhere, creating a lushly vast forest.

The treeman Zhang Ruochen had created with his Genuine Qi of Wood Spirit walked pass the Millennial Treemen. It did not cause any uproar.

Zhang Ruochen was relieved. Practicing into the Treasured Body of Wood Spirit allowed him to hide.

He executed his Spiritual Power. Carefully it reached out and began to search.

When he retrieved his Spiritual Power, he was surprised. The number of superiors in the treeman tribe surpassed his expectations. There were at least 35 Treeman Kings.

Among them, there were also a few treemen who let out a terrifying aura, an aura that could put a warrior at unease. Zhang Ruochen's speculated that they were likely 4,000-year-old treemen. Their strength was comparable to a Monk at the Fourth Change of the Fish-dragon Realm.