The Harvest

Zhang Ruochen's gaze turned toward Ao Xinyan. "Junior sister apprentice Ao, from today onwards, you and the Orange Star Emissary will seclude yourselves for refining inside the Scroll World. If you have any questions while practicing, you can ask Blackie."

The Scroll World was a unique Holy Land for practicing. Naturally, Ao Xinyan was willing to practice inside. At the very least, she had to raise her cultivation to the Fish-dragon Realm.

Only after reaching the Fish-dragon Realm can one be considered a supernatural being, having truly stepped onto the Holy Road.

The Orange Star Emissary and Ao Xinyan both wanted to work hard to raise their cultivation and increase their strength, so they didn't waste any more time. They sat cross-legged at the side of the stump of the Sacred Prime Tree and begun to run their exercises to start their practice.