Camps on the Huangyu Island, Primitive World of Xuan Wu

The Primitive World of Xuan Wu was suspended between chaotic heaven and earth. It was far from Kunlun's Field, so even the Saints had difficulty flying across. Had they not passed through the spatial channel, they could not have reached it.


The array of ships quickly shifted and had violent friction with the atmosphere of the Primitive World of Xuan Wu, resulting in a mass of crimson fire clouds.

If people on the ground looked up they would have seen a mass of fire clouds in the originally pale blue sky. The fire clouds covered half of the sky, which made spectators feel horrible - as if it was the end of the world.

From the mass of fire clouds, a pitch black ship flew out and rushed to the ground.

A moment later, the ship passed through the atmosphere of the Primitive World of Xuan Wu and appeared in the sky above the clear waters. Then the ship descended slowly and landed on a yellowish-brown island.
