Holy Soft Leather Armor

Xu Chen's broadsword technique was overwhelming. It brought a gust of cold wind and tore Zhang Ruochen's robe apart.

Zhang Ruochen was calm. He controlled the Auspicious Vase and simultaneously calculated the power of space.

Xu Chen's broadsword was about to hit Zhang Ruochen in the head. If it made contact, he would inevitably die.


Zhang Ruochen cast out Space Moving and disappeared from his original place. Then, he appeared behind Xu Chen.

Failing to attack Zhang Ruochen, Xu Chen's broadsword move hit the water's surface, causing the entire sea to churn and two huge 33 meter waves to rise. He quickly realized the severity of the situation. He hurriedly drew back his broadsword and split toward the spot behind him.

But before his broadsword could slice out, a huge pulling force appeared above his head. It formed a vortex and enveloped his entire body.