The Forty-Third Level

Half-saint Yuanying wore a hooded black robe. He looked like a ghost, as he was covered from head to toe. He stood beside the stone tablet of the Heaven Board, his body emanating a deathly aura.

He slowly raised his head, revealing a pale, haggard face with narrow eyes and drooping eye sockets. He glanced toward the Heaven Board and said in a raspy voice, "This is happening very quickly. If things continue to go like this, Zhang Ruochen will reach the Ultimate Realm of the Heaven Realm in less than six months."

The Red Wish Emissary stood behind Half-saint Yuanying. Her body was covered by pink fog which showed a graceful and elegant silhouette but concealed her real appearance.

She laughed, "Why do you think that it would take six months? I think that Zhang Ruochen will enter the Ultimate Realm in less than three months. He would become the second person who has reached the Ultimate Realm of the Heaven Realm in 100 years."