A Master of Spiritual Power

Duanmu Ya clasped her palms and activated her Genuine Qi. She struck her palms downward and a gigantic, seven-meter handprint appeared.

"Break through it!"

The man in black, Cao Ying, quickly turned his wrist and thrust his four-meter sword forward. 36 sword shadows broke through Duanmu Ya's handprint. He aimed for another strike at her.

Duanmu Ya pointed her forefinger and middle finger together in the form of a "jianjue." The "jianjue" clashed with Cao Ying's sword, making a clanging noise.

Qi columns from the two burst forward. They turned into thousands of razor-sharp sword Qi, permeating the entire courtyard.


The frames of the building started collapsing one after the other. The sword Qi left bowl-sized marks on the ground, covering it with cavities.

The fighting noises caused the Demonic Sect warriors to come from all corners. But they could not go against their superiors of the Fish-Dragon Realm.