Wuwang Inn

In other words, once he reached the 44th level in his Spiritual Power, Zhang Ruochen could utilize any Spiritual Spell involving a thunderbolt.

Of course, it was not so easy for him to cast a Level Two Magic Art spell. He needed to study for several days before he could master it.

As for the Level Three and Four spells, he needed to spend an even longer time to study them.

Even though he had not mastered any powerful, high-level spells, he was able to fight the weaker Monks of the Eighth Change in the Fish-Dragon Realm.

Moreover, he had just reached the 44th level in his Spiritual Power.

With the increase in his Spiritual Power, his real power would increase as well. He would soon be able to fight a group of Monks in the Ninth Change of the Fish-Dragon Realm.

If he could raise his Spiritual Power to the 45th level, just one more, he would become a Spiritual Half-Saint.