
Zhao Yibing's old face appeared very malevolent. He couldn't stop trembling as he extended a finger toward Zhang Ruochen. Furiously, he said, "Bullsh*t. It is clear that you were cowardly and knelt down to beg for mercy. Furthermore, if you had not exposed the Treasure Hunting Compass, it would not have been stolen by the evil cultivators."

Zhang Ruochen said lightly, "Junior Uncle Master, it wasn't like that. At the time, the situation was critical. If I hadn't handed over the Treasure Hunting Compass, how could we have returned to Zixia Sacred Mountain alive? Which is more important? The lives of our fellow apprentices or the Treasure Hunting Compass?"

"Of course, it is..."

Zhao Yibing was furious, but he had only started to speak when he noticed the trap that "Lin Yue" had dug for him and immediately closed his mouth.

He wanted to strike out and kill "Lin Yue".

Although what Zhang Ruochen said was true, most people would not believe it.