Moon-burier Half-Saint

Being able to practice for several months in the Sword Pavilion was every sword practitioner's dream.

However, Zhang Ruochen did not dare to do this.

Although he was now at the Fifth Change of the Fish-Dragon Realm and despite having cultivated a second holy meridian, his Holy Qi could only maintain his disguise for five days at a time.

After five days, he would take on his original appearance.

The Moon-burier Sword Saint was not alone in guarding the Pavilion. He was helped by the nine Sword Holders. Several highly cultivated sword practitioners in the Half-Saint realm were also secluding themselves there for practice, in a bid to improve their realms.

If Zhang Ruochen stayed in the Sword Pavilion for more than a few months, his true identity would be discovered.

It was a huge loss for him to have to give up this opportunity.