The Battle

Seeing the situation in front of the Taoist temple, Zhang Ruochen took a deep breath and kept his guard up. His eyes fell on the flexible golden sword lying by the corpse. He squinted to read the inscription on it: "Xu Changsheng."

The corpse on the ground was unrecognizable—like a bloody mass of butchered meat.

However, Zhang Ruochen had seen that flexible golden sword before. He was sure it belonged to Xu Changsheng.

How did a master like Xu Changsheng die?

Having broken through the Ninth Change in the Fish-dragon Realm, Xu Changsheng's strength was formidable. It would require great strength for even a first level Half-Saint to kill him.

Zhang Ruochen's instincts told him that he had intruded upon a forbidden area.

This was a dangerous place to be. He needed to leave immediately.

Suddenly, a voice came from within the Taoist temple. "It's raining cats and dogs, my brother. Why don't you come in and have a cup of hot tea?"