The Half-Saint Avatar

Qi Hong immediately sat cross-legged, clasped his hands, and put them to his chest. Then, a Sacred Mark appeared between his eyebrows.

As the Sacred Mark constantly rotated, a mass of white sacred brilliance emitted out and enveloped his body to dispel the Death Qi.

The Death Qi contained in the elixir was limited, so Qi Hong gradually suppressed it inside his body as he mobilized the Half-Saint's Light.

"How powerful a Half-Saint is!" Zhang Ruochen changed his expression.

The Death Qi in the elixir was powerful enough to bring a violent death to 10 monks at the Ninth Change in the Fish-dragon Realm in an instant. However, Qi Hong was so incredibly powerful that he could force out the current of evil Qi.

Before Qi Hong completely forced out the Death Qi, Zhang Ruochen had to kill him.

"Sword One."