Roc Saintly Being

Dragon Three glanced at Huang Yanchen and found her appearance fascinating. However, her icy demeanor made him feel uncomfortable.

"Zhang Ruochen and Di Yi were indeed top-notch talents. They proved their strength by accumulating 30 million military merits in the Battlefield of Primitive World."

Dragon Three then rudely said, "Unfortunately, they both died unnatural deaths before they were fully developed. They're just short-lived guys."


Huang Yanchen pounded the desk and suddenly stood up.

Ice power emanated from her and permeated the entire rock cave.

Everybody could see that she was furious. Her royal blue eyes were somewhat red. Obviously, Dragon Three's words had hurt her deeply.

Dragon Three did not care at all. He wore a spurious smile as he said, "So? Do you want to fight me?"

Huang Yanchen grasped the Holy Sword tightly with five fingers and was about to fight Dragon Three to the end.