White Snake with Saint Heart

Black Dragon Qi gushed out from the wounds on Dragon Three's back and abdomen. Urged by the Dragon Qi, his wounds quickly healed. A furious dragon roar came out from his mouth and turned into sound waves, oscillating in circles.

His left arm containing the Divine Dragon Bone gradually grew thick and solid. The bones and scales on his arms rapidly expanded and emanated a heart-shaking Divine Dragon aura.


Dragon Three's eyes were bloodshot. He lifted up his left arm and struck backward, trying to send Zhang Ruochen flying.

"A death struggle?"

Zhang Ruochen's eyes turned cold. He injected more Holy Qi into the Bluewater Dragon Patterned Sword.

The blade glowed with dazzling light. Then, he withdrew his sword rapidly and cut obliquely upward, breaking through Dragon Three's Divine Body Shield.


Suddenly, Dragon Three's left arm broke off from his shoulder and was sent flying.