Rich Battle Intent

"There's a way to heaven, but you ignore it. There's no entrance to hell, but you force your way in. Shouldn't you consider your own strength before coming to help her?"

As Captain Rat spoke, he pushed with his legs. He transformed into a beam of black light that shot into the sky. The next moment, he swooped down with an even faster speed.

"God-Destroying Claw."

Captain Rat's hands looked extremely withered and frail, but they contained powerful Demonic Qi. He slapped down a piece of cloud from the sky as he clawed at Bu Qianfan's head.

The God-Destroying Claw was a Consummate Skill of the demonic rats. By manipulating the Demonic Qi within one's body, the power created can kill a god.

Bu Qianfan spread his feet apart and anchored himself. Divine Qi from his body poured into his lance as he stabbed upward.

With the stab, the air shook. A huge pillar of shockwaves formed, sweeping miles wide in the sky.