New Plan, New Questions

When Ghost King Bloodmoon charged into the scroll world, Mu Lingxi had already rushed over. She stood beside Zhang Ruochen and naturally heard the earlier words.

She furrowed her slender brow. A beat later, she said, "Zhang Ruochen, why do I feel like someone's hiding in the darkness and purposefully moving things along? Can it be Ghost King Shenchu?"

Ghost King Shenchu was one of the most powerful existences in the far reaches of the netherworld. He could command many Ghost Kings and millions of shadow soldiers.

The passage between the netherworld and living world opening must have had something to do with him.

Zhang Ruochen shook his head. "If Ghost King Shenchu can break through the Thousand-bone Empress' seal, he would have done so long ago," he said. "Why would he wait until now? Plus, there are many strange points that can't be explained. First, why would the Void Sword fly out of the netherworld?"