Outside Ghost God Valley

If she was allowed to absorb all the Death Qi, what kind of horrifying state would she reach?

However, to the sapling of the Divine Sky-connecting Tree, this was a great thing. Without the Death Qi blocking it, it could grow faster.

Though he was happy, Zhang Ruochen didn't show it on his face. He still looked calm. "I can agree to your second condition. So shouldn't you kneel down to your master now?"

"Don't forget my first condition. Before your cultivation surpasses me, we must be equals. Don't you dare think about making me a slave."

Ghost King Bloodmoon snickered inwardly. If she could refine the Death Qi in the tree's roots, her cultivation would shoot up. Zhang Ruochen's speed couldn't catch up with her.

Once her cultivation became strong enough, she could break free from this world. At that time, she could take her time with this human.