One Ghost, One Buddha

Zhang Ruochen also used a technique. Controlling the various deity prints, he attempted to absorb the divine power in the air. However, he discovered that it had all been absorbed by Mu Lingxi. The deity prints didn't change at all.

Thus, he could only go toward the sea of lava at the heart of the black volcano. There must be more remnants of divine power there. He realized that he might have the chance to try for the Tenth Change of the Fish-Dragon Realm.

He didn't actually have much hope for the Tenth Change. He'd already refined seven drops of divine blood. His physical body was already at its limit. He couldn't contain much more divine power.

Three days later, Mu Lingxi consolidated a saint soul. She'd instantly become a Half-Saint.

When she walked out of the scroll world, her entire body shone with brilliant saint light. Every inch of her skin was translucent like saintly jade. Her eyes were now extremely deep and filled with endless wisdom.