Stone Tablet Suppressing the Corpse River

Seal the passage between the netherworld and Kunlun's Field? All the Monks present froze, thinking that they'd heard incorrectly.

Cao Feng and Cao Gu, and even the soldiers of the Leopard Army, were all shocked. Some of them even scoffed, thinking that Zhang Ruochen was speaking nonsense.

The Saints of the Ministry of War, Earth God Temple, Way of Confucius, Ministry of Divinity and even the heads of the Ministry of War and Earth God Temple had come personally to the Tomb Forest. They'd investigated the Corpse River. But even with their advanced cultivations, they were still powerless. Zhang Ruochen was only in the Fish-Dragon Realm. How did he dare to claim that he could seal Corpse River?

"Haha! Zhang Ruochen, do you think that you're the Thousand-bone Empress? With your cultivation, any old Ghost King could kill you."

"That's hilarious. Even the Minister couldn't do that. How can a youngster like you claim that you can do it?"