Blood Slaves

Under the guidance of Half-Saint Li Ku, the three passed through the wilderness and entered deep into the mountains.

Peaks loomed in all directions. The rivers were clear and occasionally, huge beasts would fly over.

Along the way, Zhang Ruochen observed carefully and could clearly feel the subtle formation ripples in the mountains. Each mountain was like a formation tower.

Half-Saint Li Ku walked at the front. "The Guardians of the Prison are a hidden ancient race. We've never participated in the fights between the various large forces. However, we are also closely connected with the large forces."

Zhang Ruochen retracted his Spiritual Power and asked naturally, "What do you mean?"

Half-Saint Li Ku pulled at his whiskers. "You have probably seen that the ground is covered in formation runes," he said, chuckling. "Any outsider who tries to break in will die."