Tail of the Fox

The spatial crack hit the Vampire in the chest. It pierced his Body-Protecting Holy Kang instantly.

Dense rune patterns appeared on the armor, forming a 70-foot-tall beastly shadow. It tried to stop the spatial crack's attack.

The Vampire's armor was a very valuable saint armor, named "Bifang Blood King Armor." It could dissolve 70% of physical attacks and 50% of spiritual attacks. Its value was worth entire cities.


However, even the saint armor only resisted for a bit. The next moment, it still broke apart with a bowl-sized hole. Large amounts of saintly blood poured out of the Vampire. His bones, muscles, and lungs had all been pierced.

"Spatial attacks are so…terrifying…"

He stared at Zhang Ruochen in shock. Repressing his injuries, his legs bent and he shot backward with extremely fast speed like a bow and arrow.