Destroying the Saints

Everyone looked in her direction. 

They all wondered, who should dare to think nothing of the Blood Emperor Qingtian?


A young woman with long, white hair, walked out of the gate. Her hair almost fell to the ground, shimmering with the Saint Light.

Her face was little and exquisite. Her dark brown eyelashes were long, her little fine nose was like jade, and her cherry red lips added pretty color to her face.

As she walked out of the Zen Temple, a weak fragrance of orchid permeated the air. Green orchids were seen growing rapidly in the mountain woods, which had been destroyed by the former battles, revitalizing the area.

Zhang Ruochen stared at the white haired woman and shrank his eyes. He said to himself, "It's her. How's that possible?"

Meanwhile, the beautiful eyes of Kong Lanyou casted a casual look at Zhang Ruochen.