Trying to Explore

Zhang Ruochen couldn't use other means except the Seven-Apertures Blood Palm and the Blood God Venomous Worm, and had to restrain his battle power under a certain state.

In this way, Zhang Ruochen surely was less competitive than the other three sons of the Discipline King's disciples. It wouldn't be easy for him to win.

Luckily, there would be three Banner Lords recruited by the Nether Heavenly Palace this time. Zhang Ruochen wouldn't have any comparative rivals than Yan Kongming, Bai Yu and Ning Guihai. 

As long as he defeated one of them, he would win a position of Banner Lord.

Zhang Ruochen asked, "The Grandmaster has further plans to send me to compete for the Banner Lord of the Nether Heavenly Palace, doesn't he?"

 "You are smart."

Blue Night gave Zhang Ruochen a stare, and kept the cold face. "Now that you've taken the Blood God Venomous Worm, it will do no harm to tell you."