Mount Luofeng

After returning to the camp of the Nether Heavenly Palace, Zhang Ruochen took out a pen and paper from his spatial ring. He pondered while writing.

He spent the entire night to finally finish the four letters. He placed them into envelopes and sealed them. The four envelopes had different names on them: Mother, Huang Yanchen, Kong Lanyou, Chi Yao.

He actually wanted to write more letters to more people and arrange more matters. However, there wasn't enough time. He could only write to the most important people. Respectively, they were the one closest to him, the one he should be the most responsible to, the one he was the most apologetic to, and the one he hated and loved the most.

Before, he'd felt most apologetic to Kong Lanyou. He'd lied to her twice. He had no other choice.