The Great Improvement

Zhang Ruochen commented, "Wei Longxing is very powerful. But he is far from those listed on the Half-Saint Rank."

The Saint Lady once said that those listed on the Half-Saint Rank could match the saints. 

Wei Longxing was clearly far from that level.

Yes, he was half a step away from becoming a saint.

The final step was, however, the toughest of all.

It was the most difficult level one had to go by. 

Many gave up their lives in order to try to get through the level.

Wei Longxing's combat power had left those present startled. Even those candidates who once were too arrogant now had to please Wei Longxing, the future Deity, with compliments. 

Instead of joining the rest at the lake, Zhang Ruochen and the other two continued to walk down the hill.

Once they were back in Ding Qiu Cultivation Residence, Ji Shui activated the locking formation immediately.