The Rule of the Pearl Light Pavilion


Sikong One bared his fat white arms and overlapped with the huge white tiger shadow. He was filled with a might great enough to swallow a mountain.

Sikong Two flew in the air with his upper body bare. His black skin shone with metallic light. He crossed his black dragon claws like a furious metal statue.

The dragon and tiger spiraled through the world.

All the disciples in the Pearl Light Pavilion gasped. They stared in disbelief at Sikong One and Sikong Two standing before Gu Linfeng.

Kong Hongbi, seventh of the Half-Saint Rank, had actually been tossed out by two unknown monks. Weren't the people on the Half-Saint Rank able to defeat everyone below the Saint Realm?

Even someone like Ouyang Huan shot to his feet. His eyes shone with abnormal light.

Qi Feiyu's delicate fingers tapped the stone platform, trying to suppress her shock. "Could these two monks have reached the Saint Realm but hidden their cultivation?"