No Panic Before Danger

Bloody light poured out of Pearl Light Pavilion. It swept through the Black Market like a flood. All the large forces were hit.

The shields of the defense formations around the forces nearest to Pearl Light Pavilion quivered continuously. All the Monks were terrified. They feared that their defenses would shatter and they'd be affected.

In the distance, Kong Hongbi stood at the top of the tower and stared at Pearl Light Pavilion.

When he saw Zhang Ruochen burst out with Beauty Shi, Kong Hongbi laughed. "He thinks he can escape with a saint decree?"

Kong Hongbi took out a jade badge. Gripping it between two fingers, it hit the air.

Zhang Ruochen flew like a shooting star, thanks to the saint decree's power.


The jade badge burst apart, transforming into a red mirror-like shield, hundreds of feet wide. It stood before Zhang Ruochen and Beauty Shi, stopping them.