Spare No One

The 100,000 Immortal Vampires were not ordinary ones. Some Half-Saint Blood Generals and many Fish-Dragon Realm Monks were seen in the army.

The Ten-sided Thunder Formation arranged by them naturally had a terrible power, which was comparable to the Seventh Class Attack Formation.

The ground and the river banks became a red area in flames.

Battle flags flew in the Formation, drums were deafeningly sounded. And blood Qi was seen rising from ten directions to the banks of the old river.

The blood Qi condensed quickly into shadows of ten mountain-sized divine beasts, dragon, peacock, taotie, bi'an, kylin...etc.

The bodies of the divine beasts seemed real in the flesh and blood, which were covered by armor. They gave earth-shattering shouts.

Those old creatures of the Evil Ways who didn't retreat all felt scared afar.