Patriarch Painter Saint?

Most of the Monks present had noble statuses or very powerful cultivations. They didn't understand why Chi Yutang with this status would personally come kill an elder.

This action was very strange and abnormal.

Of course, some people also noticed something amiss.

This elder with half white and half black hair didn't have any Holy Qi or Spiritual Energy waves and was just like a normal person. However, his Blood Qi was very strong. He was filled with vitality and wasn't at all like an old man close to dying.

It was very possible that Chi Yutang had noticed this and thus decided to test him personally.

Plus, if the elder with white and black hair was just a regular man, Chi Yutang killing him would just be like killing an ant. It wasn't a big deal at all.

Just then, a figure flashed between Chi Yutang and Chu Siyuan. The man's hand shot out like lightning and he pointed forward. A thick bolt of purple lightning snaked out.
