One Tear, One Bead

Kong Lanyou's tears pinged when they dropped onto the ground. Each teardrop had solidified into a translucent bead. They glittered.

With her cultivation, a drop of her blood was able to pierce a mountain. A strand of her hair could cut a river.

A teardrop was naturally filled with saintly might as well. They were tens of thousands of times more valuable than the world's most precious gems.

The Elephant-swallowing Rabbit picked up a teardrop the size of a mung bean. White saintly light instantly flooded out and covered its small claws.

Shocking divine power rushed into the Elephant-swallowing Rabbit, making its body crack and pop. In that instant, its physical strength increased substantially.

"This is good."

The Elephant-swallowing Rabbit's eyes gleamed greedily. It grabbed the teardrops and shoved them into its mouth. It could tell that the white-haired woman wasn't an enemy, so it ate without any worry.