The Power of Beast Kings

A giant ball of flames was burning above the ground crack. The diameter of the fireball was more than ten feet, and the energies emanating from the flames were so enormous that they twisted the space around them.

An aloof voice came out of the fireball: "Just some low-level dead souls and demonic spirits. Do you really think they can help?"

Firegold Raven Beast King opened its wings wide, standing at the center of the fireball. It had fully recovered from its injuries, and it was at its prime again.

It took out its ox horn skull and held it in its hands.

It kept infusing the skull with holy Qi. Powerful energy ripples gushed out of the sparkling and crystal-clear ox horn skull immediately.

Peng Peng.

The energy ripples had the power of supreme saints, and rushed out like waves, annihilating all the dead souls and demonic spirits, turning them into columns of smoke.