Princess White Li

Ingmar Desert was vast and empty. Among the yellow sand and Gobi, only some lively oases could be seen.

Generally speaking, the areas of those oases might tend to have heavenly treasures.

Now there was an oasis before Zhang Ruochen.

A curved river flowed in its center. Under the setting sun, the river glittered like golden dragon scales.

At the center of the oasis, there was a 300-meter-tall saint tree. Its black trunk and white leaves made a sharp contrast.

The tree was so tall that the branches and leaves of it had covered most of the oasis. At night, sparkles would fall from the white leaves, making the oasis a wonderland.

The saint tree only grew recently after it took the Essence of the Heaven and the Earth of the Blue Dragon Void World.

A young girl in white stood under the saint tree. Her body was covered by the rain of sparkles like a Fairy Lingbo who didn't belong to the human world.